Timing Range:0.01 sec~9999 min
Product Highlights:
Display with LCD two columns, Can display parameters directly;
Trigger mode: high and low level,switch quantity.meet most of the needs.
Power supply: 6~30V.
Parameters can be modified via UART. // 필히 참조
Stop button to provide emergency stop function.
5 minutes without any operation into a low-power state. Any action wake up.
OP/CL/LOP params can be modified individually
All parameters are automatically saved by power off.
Working Mode Introduction(P1~P7)
P0: After the signal is triggered,the relay conduction in OP time then disconnects;In the OP time, the signal is invalid.
P1: After the signal is triggered, the relay conduction in OP time then disconnects; In the OP time, the signal triggers a new timer.
P2: After the signal is triggered, the relay conduction in OP time then disconnects; In the OP time, signal trigger reset timer, relay disconnected and stop timing.
P3: After the signal is triggered, the relay disconnects the CL time, and then the relay conduction.
P4: After the signal is triggered, the relay conduction the OP time, and then the relay disconnects the CL time, and then loops the above action, gives the signal again in the loop, relays disconnect, stops the timer; and the number of cycles (LOP) can be set; End of cycle, keep relay disconnected;
P5: After the signal is triggered, the relay disconnects the CL time , and then the relay conduction the OP time, and then loops the above action, gives the signal again in the loop, relays conduction, stops the timer; and the number of cycles (LOP) can be set; End of cycle, keep relay conduction;
P6: No trigger signal after power-on, After the relay conduction OP time, the relay disconnects the CL time, and then loops the above action, signal is invalid in the loop, the number of cycles (LOP) can be set; End of cycle, keep relay disconnected;
P6: No trigger signal after power-on, After the relay disconnects the CL time, the relay conduction OP time, and then loops the above action, signal is invalid in the loop, the number of cycles (LOP) can be set; End of cycle, keep relay conduction;
P8: Signal hold function: The signal is maintained, the timing is cleared, and the relay conduction; when the signal disappears, the relay disconnects after the timing OP; during the timing, there is another signal and the timing is cleared;
P9: Signal hold function: The signal is maintained, the timing is cleared, and the relay disconnected; when the signal disappears, the relay conduction after the timing CL; during the timing, there is another signal and the timing is cleared;
(P0~P7) mode, short press the pause button, Start timing if the system is not timed; If the system is already timed, the system pauses the timer, the relay disconnected, flashing "out" to indicate a reminder;
P8/P9 mode, The pause button as a trigger signal in the Run interface, Short / Long press fail;
Product Parameters:
Power Supply: 6V~30V .
Trigger signal source: High level(3.0V~24.0V),Low level(0.0V ~0.2V),Switch signal.
Maxmum Output load: DC 30V 5A and AC 220V 5A.
Static Current: 15mA Operating current: 50mA.
Service life: more than 100,000 times; working temperature: -40-85°C; size: 8.0*3.8*1.9cm.
Optocoupler isolation,Strong anti-interference ability, Industrial grade circuit board, after power set parameters memory forever
Timing Range:
sec~9999 min
How to choose the timing range:
In the OP/CL parameter modification interface, press the pause button shortly to select the timing range.
XXXX Timing range:1sec~9999sec
XXX.X Timing range:0.1sec~999.9sec
XX.XX Timing range:0.01sec~99.99sec
X.X.X.X Timing range:1min~999.9min
For example, if you want to set the OP to 3.2 seconds, move the decimal point to ten digits. LCD display 003.2
Parameter Description: OP on-time, CL off time, LOP cycle times (1 - 9999 times, "----" represents an infinite number of cycles)
Parameter Settings:
Press and hold the SET key to enter the setting interface;
First set the working mode, work mode flashes reminder, set the working mode by pressing the UP / DOWN keys;
Short press the SET button to select the working mode and enter the system parameter settings.
In the system parameter setting interface, press SET key to switch the system parameters to be modified, and press / long press UP/DOWN key to modify. (Note: Short press SET in P0~P3/ P8/P9 mode is invalid);
In the OP/CL parameter modification interface, short press STOP to switch the timer unit (1s/0.1s/0.01s/1min);
After all parameters are set, press and hold the SET button for more than 2 seconds to release the hand, save the parameter settings and exit the setting interface
Remote data upload and parameter setting functions:
The system supports UART parameter reading and writing functions;
Additional features:
Low-power state: In the running interface(only P0~P7 mode), by pressing the pause button for a long time, the Low-power function is started or closed (L-P selects on to start the hibernation function, Five minutes or so, no operation, LCD backlight auto-off, System normal operation, any key to wake up; off turns off the hibernation function);
Parameter view: In the operation interface, short press the SET key to display the current parameter setting of the system, without affecting the normal operation of the system;
Display content switching: In P4~P7 mode, switch display content (run time/cycle number) by pressing DOWN key momentarily;
This shopping mall do not give advice and reference of all products. Especially we try to support data, user guide based on manufacture. So languages are differ from manufactures.
This condition is not reason to return, and exchange.
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